This is some weird shit man. Why am I seeing golfmk6 threads on the golfmk7 forum and vice versa? This is the golfmk6 forum but those threads are all for mk7s, except the chichat thread...
Yeah I noticed that seemed most of the off topic stuff was merged or something across all the sites.
i.e. Golfmkv off topic chat was listed on golfmk6 for example
EDIT:'s still wrong. I'm seeing threads from golfmk7, under General Car Discussion, here on the golfmkv site.
And the "Flat Rate Secret Santa 2019" thread under Off Topic...that FOR SURE was a thread, but it's here on
AND my PM's from golfmk7 are showing up here on golfmkv....I wanted to keep them this not possible?
EDIT AGAIN: Yup....all of the Off Topic stuff is merged/seen on all of the sites (not separate)