It's actually very simple. Read the message/instructions below the video the "Sam A" video here -
From the video:
"Get file from this website:
Username and password are both: guest
File name is: MOI3_EU_VW_R9410L(1941)_3G0919360TG
Download and extract .7z then put onto memory stick but make sure files within are the first thing on memory stick.
They must not be in the folder name MOI3_EU_VW_R9410L(1941)_3G0919360TG
Make sure memory stick is FAT32 formatted and at least 16GB big.
Plug into car with infotainment on and car battery plugged into charger.
Then hold square home button on infotainment then click top option.
Then click start software update on the red and black screen and select usb port 1 or 2 whichever usb is in then click start at bottom and leave it to run through the upgrade progress. Do not turn off car or unplug from battery charger until complete. Mine took 20 minutes"
I had a bit of trouble with USB sticks I already had that weren't recognised by the car. So I bit the bullet and bought a £10 USB-C stick from Amazon and formatted it to FAT32. Copied the files so they appeared like the attached picture.
- I inserted the USB stick into one of the slots by the phone charger.
- Turned on the ignition
- Disconnected my phone from CarPlay
- Pressed and held the square function button (on right hand of screen) until it came up with the "Software Update" menu.
- Clicked on "Software update which then starts the "console" screen.
- Clicked on "update"
- It then asks you to choose which USB slot(where the USB stick is inserted) should be the only one of "USB1" or "USB2" which will be highlighted/available. (If none are available you need to reformat the USB and start again, as I had to do when using the old USB sticks).
- Choose the slot where the USB stick is inserted and then it will offer some options. Choose "update"
I left the car with the keys in it (blocked in on my drive). 25 mins later and it was done.
I was on 1896. I tried the 1899 first but couldn't get the USBs recognised. So I tried the 1941 which worked. Haven't really noticed any changes yet but have really driven the car.
Mine goes back to the dealer in a week to have a new steering wheel fitted, which took 6 weeks to arrive from when ordered. I also hope they can find another dealer nearby who has the IQ Light calibration equipment as I get the "Dynamic Cornering Light" error every time I start the car.
Fingers crossed my "bongs" will be gone in a week!
Happy to help if anyone is struggling but it is pretty simple.....If I can do it anyone can.